Acupuncture For Insomnia: Get Help To Sleep Again
January 23, 2020

Can Acupuncture Help You Sleep Better?
If you suffer from chronic insomnia, you’ve probably tried all types of remedies to try to get a better night’s sleep. But insomnia can be tough to beat.
At first, the suggestion that you should get needles poked into your body – to help you sleep – probably sounds absurd. It sounds like the opposite of what would get you into a deep state of sleep.
Of course, it’s not as if you actually try to sleep with needles in your body. But the sedating and analgesic effects of stimulating acupoints will relax you. In addition, acupuncture may mitigate other issues contributing to your insomnia such as migraine headaches, back pain, anxiety, and depression.
In areas of the world where acupuncture is widely practiced (such as China), it’s often used to treat insomnia. If you’re having trouble sleeping but can’t pinpoint why, acupuncture may be the solution you’re dreaming of.
Acupuncture and Sleep Apnea
Another sleep issue that acupuncture shows promise with is sleep apnea.
People who suffer from sleep apnea have obstructed breathing while they sleep. While they may not feel like this is insomnia, apnea does disrupt sleep, causing sufferers to feel sleep-deprived.
Sleep apnea is also associated with other serious medical conditions, including cognitive dysfunction and hypertension. reports that there are encouraging studies conducted by medical professionals in Brazil on using acupuncture to treat sleep apnea. Basically, they used acupuncture to strengthen the tongue muscle (genioglossus). The stronger tongue muscle reduces the chances of the sleeper’s tongue dropping into the airway, which causes the breathing obstruction.
Treating Imbalances
If you research using acupuncture for insomnia, you’ll find that there are no definitive studies (such as clinical double-blind studies) that prove acupuncture has a consistent, measurable effect.
But then again, insomnia itself isn’t really a disease. It’s a symptom. notes many underlying causes of insomnia, including:
- Nasal/sinus allergies
- Gastrointestinal problems such as reflux
- Endocrine problems such as hyperthyroidism
- Arthritis
- Asthma
- Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease
- Chronic pain
- Low back pain
- Restless leg syndrome
- Sleep Apnea
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Unhealthy lifestyle choices
All of this really gets at the heart of what Acupuncture Works is all about. Acupuncture is not a specific cure to a single health disorder. It’s a holistic practice that treats your body and mind.
One of the most common benefits our patients gain from acupuncture is relief from chronic pain. It’s a common theme in our acupuncture patient testimonials.
But as you can see from what this article notes, relief from pain (both physical and mental) is a huge factor in sleeping better. Let’s face it – if your back is in constant pain, you have little chance of getting a restful night’s sleep. If that pain is alleviated and you’re feeling relaxed, of course you’re going to sleep better.
If you’re struggling to sleep because of mental or physical pain, please contact our Myrtle Beach acupuncture clinic. Acupuncture is a viable option you should explore.
Furthermore, if you just can’t sleep because somehow you feel a sense of imbalance in your life, reach out to us. A great night’s sleep is what your body should be naturally getting. Our natural self-healing process is an excellent way to regain that natural rhythm.