
What Causes Lower Back Pain?

What causes lower back pain? Sprains and strains Intervertebral disc degeneration Herniated or ruptured discs Radiculopathy Sciatica Spondylolisthesis A traumatic injury Spinal stenosis Skeletal irregularities Low back pain is rarely related to serious underlying conditions, but when these conditions do occur, they require immediate medical attention. Serious underlying conditions include: Infections Tumors Cauda equina syndrome…


Finding An Acupuncturist Near Me

Finding An Acupuncturist Near Me New to the area? Recent healthcare concerns? Or, curiosity just got the better of you? Whatever your reason you want to find an Acupuncturist. So where do you start? Certainly, a Google search will be a good start. You may be in an area there are few options. But also…


How Acupuncture Can Help With Pain Management

Sure, our bodies get older and we struggle with stiff joints and muscles; we overstrain our bodies at work, whether it’s sitting in a chair all day or lifting heavy items, but there are ways to relieve pain and for patients to regain their quality of life. And if you’re thinking that pain relief has…


Can Acupuncture Be Effective For Back Pain?

There are millions of people who suffer from back pain and it very often affects people’s quality of life. Imagine not being able to pick up groceries out of your car or even get out of bed without feeling pain. And while there are medications and surgical options that give many patients hope, prescription medications…

Acupuncture And Acupressure

Acupuncture And Acupressure: Differences & Similarities

Chronic pain is one of the most common conditions facing American adults today, with an estimated 20% affected in the nation, and health professionals often recommend acupuncture and acupressure as remedies. Although they might sound similar, these two medical treatments have a number of differences that set them apart. However, they can share some comparable…


Acupuncture For Insomnia: Get Help To Sleep Again

Can Acupuncture Help You Sleep Better? If you suffer from chronic insomnia, you’ve probably tried all types of remedies to try to get a better night’s sleep. But insomnia can be tough to beat. At first, the suggestion that you should get needles poked into your body – to help you sleep – probably sounds…


5 Benefits Of Acupuncture For Women

5 Benefits Of Acupuncture For Women Acupuncture offers numerous benefits regardless of age or gender. In today’s blog, we will focus on some of the benefits for women. Alleviates Stress And Reduces Anxiety Acupuncture is believed to improve the flow of energy through and around your body. It is seen to promote better circulation, which…


Joint Instability

Stability is defined as the preservation of space during movement and posture. Joint instability disrupts posture, creates pain throughout the body, and greatly diminishes or restricts movement. It is the imbalance of posture and the lack of fluid movement that causes pain and muffles our lives. As bipedal beings we humans are in a constant…


Meditation For Me

Meditation Adds Balance and Peace of Mind A healthy life includes balance in all areas of your life, and that balance can be achieved with a bit of meditation. Yes, exercise, yes love in our life both socially and spiritually, Nutrition is also a major player. But what about meditating? Patients frequently ask me how…


Can Acupuncture Address the Opioid Crisis

Can Acupuncture Address the Opioid Crisis? While the reasons for the Opioid Crisis are varied one reason we will address today is that patients are in pain. From Acute Dental pain to Chronic Low back pain and neck pain Acupuncture can be an effective Non-pharmacological pain management tool helping to reduce the number of opioids…